Marsha Merington

Jan 12, 20211 min

How To know if You Are Being Told The Truth!

Simon Says
“Listen from the Heart.

Respect One Another.

Speak Your Truth.”

Simple Simon Says it Simply

His heart is to help the innocent and bring healing for those who have been hurt and to help people work together to bring peace around the world and to start healing centers around the globe!

I have been digging into the truth movement for a while now.

This information is simply to bring awareness, healing and truth from the lies that have
enslaved the nations!

This Information was obtained from listening to these podcasts:

Simon Parkes

Charlie Ward

Strom is Upon Us

Charlie Freak

Rudy Giuliani

Right Side Broadcasting Network

More shocking Truth Videos To Watch

Janet Ossebaard warning: watch all the way to the end (not suitable for children)

Simon Parkes explains to those who have the 4th Dimension

Light Beamer (warning: video uses some harsh language)
