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Donald Trump Farewell Address But Was It Farewell?

Updated: Feb 16, 2021

What Clues Did He Give About Coming Back and What's To Come?

Here’s Why It’s Not Over….and Why It Always Had To Be The Military !

I watched this x22 report that I thought was so good, so brilliant, that I had to share it with you.

This is for everyone who thinks it’s over.

I told you last night not to expect much today.

I told you that Biden would likely be sworn in.

But I also told you God wasn’t done yet.

I told you it had to get to a point where it was “beyond Trump”.

Saving the nation could not come from President Trump.

My thesis was that God wants the glory for this himself.

Dave from x22 Report had a similar conclusion but he got there in a little different way.

He makes the EXCELLENT argument that Trump could not have sent in the military while he was still in office.

It would have looked like he was a dictator.

No, it always had to be the military and specifically it had to be the military operating AFTER Trump was no longer in office.

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Oh Trump may be coming right back in, but what happens next could not happen under Trump’s “command”.

I think it’s absolutely brilliant and one of the best arguments I’ve heard all day.

Oh, and by the way, He told us it always had to be the military. From x22:

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Lindsey Lynn
Lindsey Lynn
Jul 31, 2022

Awesome blog you have here

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