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A Bio Warfare, Weapon Engineered Nanotech A.I. Parasite

The "vaccines" are filled with NANOTECH!

War on the Image of God!

Dr. David Nixon joins to detail his findings inside the C-19 injections.

Intricate circuit boards are self-assembling within the veils, what do they do, and WHY are they there?

Don't miss out! EXCLUSIVE EARLY PREMIER! Be the first to watch 'Died Suddenly' on November 21st, 5 p.m. ET by signing up and joining the Stew Crew at:

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Nano-structures EXPOSED In The Vaxx: Dr. Shimon Yanowiatz an Electrical Engineer DECONSTRUCTS Frozen Vaxx Vials and finds worms, circuitry, and Bluetooth signals all coming from the jab!

It's an A.I. parasite circuit board

Circuit boards in Vaxed! The vaccine is turning people into CYBORGS!

Dr. Shimon Yanowitz joins to expose the dangerous formations he found in the thawed C illness -19 injections!

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