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Let's Look At This Logically!

Information of Dates & Times Have Been Kept Secret For Security Purposes.

You Don't Announce Your Next Chess Move

Nobody Wins By Letting The Opponent Know Your Next Move!

We Try And Provide The Truth From Different Sources

Trust Your Own Intuition. Make Your Own Judgments. Do Your Own Research

But Truth Be Told! The Federal Register Has Zero Executive Orders Registered.

Biden has been right handed all his life but signing executive orders with his left hand?

The Desk Is Not The Same Desk In The Oval Office

The Inauguration was pre-recorded and already seen around the world before the media posted it as LIVE (which it was not)

Biden Signs a Bible With Upside Down Crosses

Biden is not riding in government transportation, he had to charter his own plane for the inauguration.

Donald Trump is still being driven around in a presidential car.

The Federal Register Has Zero Executive Orders Registered.

Search The Records Find The Truth For Yourselves Click Here

Now For A Few Laughs

The Military Band played Circus Music For The Inauguration.

Melania arrived back in Palm Beach wearing A joker outfit!

Melania Always Dresses With A Message

What Have You Observed! Please Like & Share Your Comments!

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Marsha Cloud
Marsha Cloud
Jan 22, 2021

The United States was changed into a corporation in 1871, we were not a country anymore. They purchased Washington DC through a loan given to them from the Vatican, and London Bank. Washington DC is a foreign entity. Trump signed an executive order back in 2018 which states that if there is any election interference, all assets will be seized. The corporation of the United States has been officially dissolved. Washington DC is now walled, and surrounded by our military. Biden is now the CEO of a corporation that has lost all of its assets. Trump is going to be the 19th president of the United States of America.

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