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Today is a Day of Newness

Updated: May 17, 2021

Georgia was deceived in their leadership!

Say No More To Tyranny! Today is a Day of Newness

Rise Up In Georgia! Things Are About To Get Better!

Revival In Georgia!

Revival In California

Baal Sought California as his Capital Throne. But California is a place of revival!

This is no longer the temple of Baal but the Temple of David!

Revival In China

Come Out of Tyranny! Walk Through That Gate! It's Not Too Late For You!

Robin D. Bullock Prophetic (May 12, 2021) 🎤 SPECIAL MESSAGE WEDNESDAY - MUST WATCH

Revival In Iran

By God's Mighty Hand They Will Be Free. The Lord is There To Deliver them!

Come On Let's Stomp!

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Meghan Kendall
Meghan Kendall
May 13, 2021

Thy Kingdom Come!

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