We Will See The Glory
We have already got our momentum! We are pushing out the wickedness!
The enemy wants to eliminate the church, because it's his biggest opponent!
We Are In The Final Harvest!
Pastor Kent Christmas says he believes that we are in the final harvest which means "There is no more planting. We are in the reaping era. In the parable of the tares, God sends his angels upon the earth to remove the wicked and gather the wheat into the barn.
The parable of the tares says that God is going to release His angels over the earth. The angels will bind up the and gather the wheat into the barn.

Religious Freedom - Our Sacred Right
Religious freedom protects everyone. It covers all people equally. It's what has made America strong! Ultimately Everyone Benefits From Religious Freedom
Click The Church Image To See What Is Going On With Your Religious Freedoms
Pray Without Ceasing
This video above is just an example that happened in Canada and Germany. This is going on worldwide, not just in China.
The enemy wants to eliminate the church, because it's his biggest opponent! Hell is terrified of the church. We have already got our momentum! We are pushing out the wickedness!
Isaiah 14 :8 Even The Trees of the woods the fir trees and cedars of Lebanon - sing out this joyous song; "Your Power is broken; no one will bother us now; at last we have peace.'
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